For Society
1. Organization of Taxation Olympiad
Within the 10th Anniversary of Association of Certified Tax Consultants, Tod Tax TMZ LLC, collaborating with Nova Soft LLC, organized The First State Online Taxation Olympiad in June 2014. The participants were divided into 4 major categories depending on their professional level and current position at work. The categories are as follows:
Certified public tax accountants
State tax inspectors
Students majoring in accounting
The Olympiad was the first national competition that was organized publicly among the accountants, certified public tax accountants, tax inspectors, and students for the purpose to foster the application of tax laws whilst improving taxation knowledge and professional capability. The Olympiad was held in 2 levels, whereby the first level was conducted as online while the last level was held in the office of General Tax Authority.

During a press conference of The First State Online Taxation Olympiad
(From the left side: Shinebaatar.D, CEO of Certified Mongolian Association of Certified Tax Consultants, Oyunaa.U, General Director of Tod Tax TMZ LLC, Togtuun.E, CEO of Nova Soft LLC, Galbadrakh.N, State Tax Inspector of General Tax Authority)

During the second level of The First State Online Taxation Olympiad

Award winners of The First State Online Taxation Olympiad
2. Sponsoring a Competition on Taxation
In 2009, Tod Tax TMZ LLC sponsored and organized the “Who knows General Taxation Law well?” competition, which was held among accounting students from several universities and institutes in Ulaanbaatar, in cooperation with the Mongolian Association of Certified Tax Accountants and the General Tax Authority. The main goals of the competition were to nurture taxation knowledge of accounting students and to advertise taxation laws.

Tod Tax TMZ LLC, Bayanzurkh District Tax Department, and the HEAVE team of the University of Finance and Economics cooperated to research at the Dunjingarav Shopping Center, which has a low implementation rate of ebarimt, and developed a proposal that can be implemented by the tax office along with carrying out relevant activities such as performing a play on the topic of our lives, giving a speech, participating in a quiz on policymaking under the VAT law of Mongolia.
3. Enhancing public awareness of tax regulations
Ministry of Finance and General Tax Authority organizes the “Open Door Day” annual event to enhance public understanding of tax and advertise the benefits of tax laws. Since its incorporation, Tod Tax TMZ LLC participates in the “Open Door Day” event annually. At the event, professionals of Tod Tax TMZ LLC provide free consultation on tax and accounting related matters.

During the “Open Door Day” event organized by the Ministry of Finance and General Tax Authority in 2007
4. Supporting the Organization of International Tax Conference
Our company supported the organization of the Asia Oceania Tax Consultants' Association (AOTCA) Meeting and Internation tax conference held in September 2019 in Mongolia.
5. Internships for Undergraduates
As part of our social responsibility, we have been providing internships for undergraduates of an accounting field following the guidelines. Currently, we provide internships for 4 or more undergraduates each year and offer jobs for successful graduates each year under our cooperation agreement with Mandakh University.

Additionally, We have completed a 360-hour internship in 2018, a 720-hour internship in 2019 for undergraduates in the Competency-Based Virtual Program established by the University of Finance and Economics as part of our contribution to the capacity building of future public accountants.
For our employees
Our employees are an invaluable asset to our company. Thus, our efforts to assist our employees in solving their personal and social problems will remain endless. We provide the following support to our employees:
Providing flexible working hours and working conditions
Assisting employees in making major investments in their personal life, such as purchasing housing and vehicles, attending foreign and domestic universities, earning a degree, and improving their foreign language skills.
Protecting the health of our employees and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The key to success is a "healthy employee". As a concern on our employees’ health, we covered our employees with “ArdMend” health insurance from ARD INSURANCE LLC, which provides a total of 40 million MNT annual insurance. Also, our employees have the advantage of providing their family members and loved ones with discounted health insurance.